Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Craft Fair Table

The night before the event I was freaking out and told Brian to never ever let me do one of these events again. It is a ton of work and I was convinced that I was going to end up coming home with a huge percentage of what I had made. Well, actually more because honestly can a person go to one of these events and not buy stuff?! I have done a couple in the past but always sold my sewing projects never any of my paper crafting. Anyways all said and done, I had a great day sold more then I ever expected and only spent $18.00 including lunch for myself and my cousin who was helping me out at my table. The table itself cost me $35. I ended up making about $150.00 which I consider very good for a days work although there were many hours spent making the stuff but heck I enjoy that part and do it for free all the time anyways, lol! Here is a break down of what I sold, how much I charged for each item and how many of each actually left my table. (I iwsh someone had of done this for me before I started my craft fair.
Crayon Jars - made 7 came home with 7 :( oh well now I have Christmas gifts for all my teacher friends :). I sold these (or didn't sell) for $8
3-D flowers - made 5 came home with 2. I sold these for $15

Large coiled notebooks with matching pen - made 10 came home with 4. I sold these for $5.

Medium flip cover notepad with mini pen - made 10 came home with 4. I sold these for $4.

Post-it note pads with mini pen - made 23 came home with 16. I sold these for $3.

Birthday cards - made 22 came home with 9. All cards sold for $2.50
Christmas cards - made 28 came home with 24
Misc. cards - made 24 came home with 19

Journals - made 3 came home with 1. Sold for $6

Cookbooks - made 5 came home with 2. Sold for $6.

Reversible bags - made 4 came home with 4. Sold for $15

It really seemed as though the smaller items were selling the best and overall the reaction I got from everyone was very positive. I was the only vendor at this show selling this type of product! There were 80 vendors in all. Many vendors were complaining that this year was very slow at all the craft fairs in this area. I was quite pleased with how I did!


Summer said...

Very cute! I'm glad things turned out well!

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

You did great! I try to do one show a month. It is so much work but I am always happy that I did it!

CricutLvr!! said...

wow, what a great job!! Everything looks so cute! Love your blog. Am now a follower!!

Tara said...

Oh my goodness one a month! When do you sleep lol!

Dorcas said...

That's awesome! Congrats on the sales!